Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Updates: Week 4

Hello Leaders!

I think it is very important that you are all aware the EVERYTHING you do in Leadership class should be kept in a safe place.

All of the work you are completeing (journals, weekend reflections, project examples, personal brochures, etc.) will be additions to your final portfolio!!!

If you need to re-create any assignments, please do so before we take a trip to the library and learn how to properly type and send a document to yourself in your e-mail.

Very Exciting work is being done on our spirit week. we had some great ideas (and some ideas that needed a bit more work) come out during class last week. We are still going to shoot for having the events during the last week before spring break. WOO HOO!

INTERVIEWS! Get read to get your interviewing skills on ~~ Here is a list of the assignments:

Vans Lovers--> Ms. Estrada

Los Mexicanos --> Ms. Gutierrez

The Puppies --> Mr. Castro

The Three Musketeers --> Ms. Oh

Mexican-Americans --> Ms. Harper

Firehawks --> Mrs. Chou

Big 4 --> Ms. Connors

Personal Brochures have begun! These Bad Boys will be due Friday March 6th, so make sure you have all of the necessary parts by then!

Okay everyone, I can't wait to see you Thursday!


- Ms. H


Anonymous said...

like that day it was cool

Anonymous said...

i like your class

juan montiel